Tiara, affectionately known as Tiara Shiso Pretty, is a dynamic speaker, author, mentor, and entrepreneur passionate about empowering young women to embrace their identity, unlock their purpose, and live a life of beauty and confidence from the inside out.

As the visionary behind The Pretty Way, Tiara guides young ladies, ages 17-23, on a transformative journey of self-discovery and growth. Her 6-step framework—Pursue Your Passion, Rise Above Adversity, Elevate Your Dreams, Take Time for Yourself, Trust Your Journey, and Yearn for Wisdom—has inspired countless women to break free from negative cycles and step boldly into their God-given potential.

Her book, Single & Pretty: Breaking Up with Fake Love, Fake Friends, and the Night Life, and her course, The Pretty Way Course, equip young women to build self-worth, set healthy boundaries, and choose relationships and lifestyles that align with their values.

Through her private Facebook group, The P.R.E.T.T.Y. Ladies Circle, and her vibrant presence on platforms like Instagram and YouTube, Tiara creates safe, uplifting spaces for women to grow spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. Her message is clear: There is a better version of you out their ladies, you just have to be brave enough to grow into her.

Above all, Tiara is a woman of faith, walking boldly in her purpose as a Kingdom ambassador. Her mission is to see young women thrive, knowing their worth, honoring their calling, and living in the fullness of God’s love.

Join Tiara’s journey and discover what it means to live The Pretty Way—a life of true beauty, purpose, and excellence.